Purposes of Doctrines

Luke 1:1-4 generally discussed about the necessity of doctrines.
a. To set forth in a systematic order.
b. To instruct the believer.
c. To encourage the believer.
1. To make a man of God complete:
Read I Tim.3:16, 17-“All Scripture is given by the inspiration of God...”. Paul preached, warned and taught doctrine to every man in all wisdom tp present them perfect in Christ Jesus. (Colo. 1:28).
2. To guard believers from false teaching:
Knowledge of sound and pure Christian doctrines guards believers from falling into false doctrines (I Tim. 4:1). Then Paul gave instruction to Timothy as a good minister of Jesus Christ, to be nourished in the word of faith and of the good doctrine...(I Tim. 4:6, 7).
3. To grow in the Lord:
Having a thorough knowledge of the doctrines helps one to grow in spiritual life. Paul instructed Timothy to ‘give attention to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine...meditate all these things... (I Tim. 4:13-15). Paul wrote Timothy’s progress will be evident to all if he paid attention to the doctrines.
4. To guard and protect believers:
Obedience to the doctrine brings protection and safety to the children of God. Paul wrote to Timothy regarding with the same (I Tim. 4:16).
5. To exhorts and convict those who contradict:
There are a lot of chances bring confusion and division in the church because of false doctrines. We need to equip to exhort and convince sound doctrine to contradict the truth (Titus 1:9).
6. To lead people to salvation through faith:
The hearing of the doctrine leads people to salvation. Paul wrote that “whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved...” (Rom. 10:13-15).  Salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ (2 Tim. 3:14, 15).
7. To propagate the gospel:

The teaching of the doctrines brings many people into the kingdom of God. After the day of Pentecost, the apostles began to preach to the people and teach apostles’ doctrine daily to the believers. This resulted additions of members to the church (Acts. 2:42) and all this happened because of the preaching of the doctrine of Jesus Christ and His salvation (Acts. 5:28).



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